They Have No Idea!

  Man, GOD is good!  The highschool students of SCAP have no idea what is about to hit them!  I just met one, well, two of the new teachers.  But one of them…I am so excited that he is there!  Rarely have I met someone so passionate about their faith and building that faith in others! It just radiates from him.  I am nothing short of intensely pumped that there is someone on staff with that focus and relationship with Christ.  His vision for the school echos what I had wished mine would be had I been placed in the role of Counsellor/Coordinator.  He shared with me that during his interview they asked him what his goals were for his classroom.  His response: 1. Seek GOD.  2. See my students as GOD sees them.  3. Love my students as GOD loves them.  4. To show my students that there is more than just academics.  That’s awesome.  He has a major passion for GOD which is contagious.  I’ve only just met the guy but I am absolutely excited for the students that they will have such an awesome role model.  To be certain some things are going to get shaken up and some people will probably get a little offended but  praise GOD!  The church needs some shaking! 
  On a slightly different note, this Sunday I had the privilege of attending a different church.  My cousin was getting baptized and it was important to her as well as to myself to be there.  I was so blessed by the service.  Because there was a baptism the church was fuller than it is on an average Sunday I’m sure.  But it has been some time since I’ve been in a full church.  It was wonderful to praise the LORD in song with a full congregation praising Him.  The baptismal service was beautiful.  Those who know me know I am not easily moved to tears but I was as Heidi was baptized.  Following the baptism we had communion.  The gentleman who did the communion devotional read a passage I have never thought of much less heard in connection with communion.  He shared the story of Mephibosheth (spelling?  Not sure, don’t have my Bible right here) the son of Jonathan who was crippled in both feet. David had 4 choices of how to treat him: with revenge, justice, mercy or grace.  David treated him with grace; he had him dine at his table all the time.  And that is how GOD has treated us, with grace.  What a beautiful picture and so fitting. 
  So GOD has blessed me with those two encouragements these past two days and I praise Him for it.   

Interesting Development

   I shared earlier about the Christian school here when I shared that I had applied for the counsellor/coordinator position.  As you know, if you’ve been keeping up on my blog, I was not placed in that position.  Well, there was another position open as a teacher’s aid in the grades 3-5 room in the mornings.  I did not feel that GOD was calling me to take that position for the year but my cousin has been placed in that position.  Presently she is serving in the accounting office for Operation Mobilization until the end of September so I have been asked to fill in for her until Thanksgiving.  I had mixed feelings about it at first.  First of all, I’m pretty jealous of my mornings.  A lot of what I do happens in the evenings so I enjoy sleeping a little later in the mornings.  I also am very jealous of a relaxed time with Christ in the morning, right after I get up.  So going in every weekday morning to help out at the school is not really in the time frame that I would appreciate.  I know it’s very hard to make the LORD a priority when the choice part of my day is taken up.  So if you think of me you can pray that I will continuely place Christ first and that I will depend on Him for the energy to place Him first in my day.  Growing in my relationship with Him is my first duty and privilege.  The rest is to come after that.  Also, this is something that I’ve never done before.  I’m not even exactly sure what all will be required of me.  Tomorrow I will be meeting with the teacher under whom I will be working so I should know more after that.  It will be a stretching experience in that regard, even though I’m not scared of the kids or anything.  But besides those things, I’m excited about this opportunity for the major reason that this provides me with an opportunity to get to know the new staff.  There are at least two new teachers and the counsellor/coordinator.  Since this school has a place in my heart I appreciate the opportunity to get to know those who will be investing time in and leaving an impression on the highschool students, several of whom I will be interacting with in the youth group.  So it truly is a blessing.  The financial help will also be a blessing. 
  Something else that has come a ways since my last entry is the planning of GIFT.  Not everything has fallen into place yet but things have fallen quickly into place.  I’ve been gone for a week so there are some things that were left hanging when I left (speaker, some musicians) that I will be figuring out in the next few days.  But it has been amazing how smoothly things have been working together.  Those who I have talked to about playing have been super excited about the opportunity to play.  What I love about this ministry is giving younger people the opportunity to use their talents.  When I was their age such a thing didn’t exist. True, I was privileged to play quite a bit for chapels at school but this kind of ministry in this area was pioneered by myself and a few others.  It is so rewarding to now see others have that opportunity earlier on.  I am super excited about working with this new generation.  But it will not be without it’s struggles.  Of course, working with younger musicians will likely mean that we won’t  be able to do everything that we did musically with the previous group, although they will get there very quickly!  Also, as far as spiritual maturity goes I will be more of a spiritual leader than on equal ground.  But on that front too I am looking forward to it b/c the musicians that have consented to play for the next GIFT have a desire for GOD, which is so exciting to see!
  Of course there are other things that are up in the air.  I am DEFINITELY looking forward to falling more into a schedule.  It’s really hard for me to answer people when they ask what I’m doing right now b/c I don’t have a basic schedule lined up.  But that will come in time.  In the meantime GOD is good.  

Four Thirteen Year Olds and a Canoe

  Praise GOD!  I returned yesterday from the week long canoe trip.  What an amazing week!  Before we left I was a little apprehensive about how it would all work out logistically as we only had 7 out of 24 campers who had been on the canoe trip before.  Not exactly a high percentage.  On top of that, quite a few of them were really young.  I had a tent of 4 thirteen year olds, and small thirteen year olds at that.  So I went dreading the idea of portages and setting up the tent.  The first night was pretty rough putting up the tent.  Three out of the four…I’m not sure if they’ve ever put up a tent and not really ready to take on a lot of initiative.  BUT…..GOD is good!  By the second night my girls were getting pro!  And I’m proud to say that our tarp was put up pretty awesome!  I should have taken pictures…it was sweet.  Not only did my girls do awesome with the tent, everyone really pulled their weight paddeling AND on portages.  As staff we worked harder than ever too but the kids were awesome.  I was SO impressed. 
  In general I was impressed with the kids.  The first day I really missed the generation wave that has passed.  Especially when setting up the tent b/c last year I had girls who had been on the canoe trip for years…they taught me!  I missed them too when we were doing music at first.  Last year Aaron, Jon and myself did music together.  This year I did it alone.  So at first I was making a lot of comparisons between this year and last.  BUT….again, GOD is good.  I came to appreciate these kids SO much!  There are some distinctives that these kids have that I havn’t ever seen before.  One major thing that stood out is how encouraging they were.  It was especially unique how encouraging the guys were to each other and that they were comfortable hugging each other (in appropriate ways).  Included in that atmosphere was the fact that no one was an outsider.  Everyone was somehow included in the group.  It’s the closest I’ve ever seen a group of that size act as one familiy.  Age and personality were not barriers.  Of course, there were some groups that stuck closer together but everyone was comfortable with everyone else.  Phenominal I say.
  Each night we have a time of testimonies after chapel.  At first it was mostly staff sharing and the kids were a little shy.  But a few nights into the trip they really started opening up.  A lot of kids who we didn’t expect to share did.  One night we were up til 1 sharing testimonies (there were a few longer ones in there, like the director’s).  What was interesting to see was that at the beginning of the week the staff was praying for those who shared their testimonies.  We never said that only staff could pray or that the kids could pray.  But somewhere along the way, someone gave their testimony and suddenly like 4 kids jumped up to pray for that person.  After that kids were constantly jumping up to pray for their friends and a new tradition was started, after they prayed everyone hugged whoever they prayed for.  It was so cool to see that encouragment for each person.  Something that I found interesting is that each of the testimonies seemed sincere.  Often in those settings there are some who go up for the purpose of being in the spotlight but each person seemed truly sincere.  It was such a blessing to me to experience each testimony time.  Something else that deeply encouraged me is the desire for GOD that these kids displayed.  Of course they are all at different places but the desire I saw far exceeded what I expected, even though I knew most of the kids before we even went.  There were several testimonies that were very stirring.  As Josh would say, those people had ‘huge Jesus furnaces’. 
  For the first time in my memory, we had a female speaker.  I had some preconceived ideas of what she would be like and my expectations were quite low…..well, let me tell you, she totally shot those out of the water!  She had me riveted all week.  The kids too.  She spoke on the life of Daniel in the mornings and the parallels with Christ in the evenings.  From the first night she provided a perspective that was new and fresh.  Often what she said was right on with thoughts I’ve had in the past year that are not quite traditional but rather a little revolutionary.  She said many things, too many to share here, but towards the end of the week she gave a challenge….she challenged us to find accountability.  She really laid it on the line.  I have come to believe that accountability is super important as well.  But it’s something that is so easy to say "It’s so important, I’ll have to start that some day" but then never really do anything about it but she really confronted that.  I’m really glad she did b/c my girls had never even though of or possibly heard of the idea of accountability.  She challenged them not only to think about it but think about who they would ask to be accountable with.  So three out of four of my girls had a specific person on their minds to ask to be accountable to.  That’s the first step.  Or maybe the second.  First realize you need accountability but then to know of someone to be accountable too.  It was also a challenge for me b/c that is an area of weakness in my life and ministry.  But such an important element.  For the kids, without that accountability (and even with it) it would be so easy to go home and fall back into the habits they had before the canoe trip.  A lot of them have specific goals that they have (mostly reading their Bibles more) but without having someone to encourage them to continue and to be in their face when their out of line…it will easily fall by the wayside.  So excellent chapels.  We were all pretty tired so it was good to have a very energetic motivational speaker to keep us awake.
  One thing that my eyes were opened to while on the canoe trip is that the very things that I preach the most about, the things I am most passionate about and want the most for ‘my kids’ to do are the very things where I am the weakest.  I am disappointed when others do not display the behaviour or habits that I want to display but don’t.  It was a bit of a surprise for me to realize that.  I kind of knew that but hadn’t put it in such clear terms before.  A situation that got me thinking about it is the first morning we sang the song "Every Move I Make" and my challenge to the campers and staff with that song was to do everything for the glory of GOD.  Not to complain but to look at each situation and say how can I learn more about GOD?  What might GOD be teaching me in this?  Over halfway through the day I thought about that and realized that I hadn’t thought about my challenge all day.  How can I expect others to do what I so desire them to do if I don’t even listen to my own challenge?  Something to think about for sure.
  Much more could be said, funny stories…like how two girls flipped in the middle of the lake on the first day orJosh’s intense trilogy complete with prologe and epiloge or that Mark trapped 93 mice throughout the week (65 on one island and 93 was just last I heard…maybe more) or how Larry’s motorized canoe got flipped or sitting in the rapids or two girls getting a ‘ride’ down the rapids….It was a good week.  An excellent week.  Even though "Une eléphant ce balancé, ce balancé sur une baloncoire, ba lomp ba lomp ba ba lomp ba ba lomp ba lomp ba lomp ba lomp ba lomp……" is still in my head.  (thanks James!)
  I’m excited to spend more time with a lot of the kids I just began to get to know this week.  GOD has been good in giving me the privilege of investing into their lives.  May GOD grow greater and greater in their hearts and may their love grow deeper and deeper.  Amen. 

Prepared Mind

  This week the LORD has had a specific lesson for me.  It began as I read 1 Peter 1:13  "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."  The phrase that especially stood out is "…prepare your minds for action…"  Other verses since then have highlighted that idea.  ie. "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him."  Luke 12:35,36  It is so incredibly easy to float into each day and go through moment by moment without being truly awake or alert.  Without being watchful for when my LORD may appear in a certain situation or when He may have a special job for me or a special moment to share.  So much time is wasted simply from not being alert.  And where does it start?  In the secret place, the closet.  It is so incredibly easy to just float into my time with my Master, to read His Word without it penetrating, to mumble some words about loving Him without really focussing on what I’m saying and to leave that place without my mind prepared.  Under my name I have (or had if I’ve changed it by now) the words "Expectantly Run Towards".  In order to expect things, I need to look forward.  I need to be prepared, be focussed.  This Sunday we had an anointing service for a gentleman in my church who has had a lot of problems with his eyes.  As the service progressed and as I silently spoke with my Master asking Him to show up and admitting that it was easy to assume He wouldn’t, He whispered to me, "Expect great things."  As far as I know, that man wasn’t healed instantly.  I don’t know what GOD will do in that specific situation.  But what a promise!  But in order to expect things I cannot let my mind turn to mush and just float through life.  This requires excercise.  There are some things that come immediately in the Christian life and there are other things that require practice and excercise, a spiritual workout as it were.  This is one of them.  Daily taking my mind in hand and bringing it before the throne of grace, spending quality time with the Father and allowing Him to cause a prepared mind in me.  It doesn’t come naturally.  But praise GOD by His grace He can cause that.  Then as our minds are prepared for action I think we will start not only expecting great things but seeing them happen as well. 

Wilderness Canoe Trip

  This Wednesday we had our staff meeting for the Wilderness Canoe Trip.  It’s promising to be a great week!  I went for the first time and despite the wet and cold, loved it.  So I’m looking forward to this year.  This summer has been fairly warm, even hot so the water temperature should be warmer.  Last year it was like jumping into an ice cube.  Yeah…not exactly relaxing.  This year will definitely be different.  We have one generation wave moving out and another coming in.  That means that we have quite a few younger campers which will likely mean that portages and canoing will take longer.  So your prayers for physical strength would be appreciated!  I guess that means I actually have to carry stuff on portages too.  Last year I made myself responsible for getting the canoes all tied up at the end of the portage, which is an important job too, it just doesn’t require physical strength or endurance. 
  I have the privilege of being the counsellor for a tent of 4 thirteen year old girls.  I would appreciate your prayers as I seek to be a spiritual leader and role model for these girls.  My prayer is that through this week they would have a greater desire for GOD and seeking after Him.  At their age (well, any really) it would be easy for them to push thoughts of serving GOD and pursuing Him away because they are "so young" and there are so many other things to focus on. 
  Our prayer as staff is that every camper would leave with a testimony of GOD.  My prayer is that each camper and staff would encounter GOD while on this trip.  We are spending 8 days out on the lakes.  We will be away from civilization, the dsitraction of media and jobs.  There’s nothing quite like being out on the lake.  Watching sunsets is awesome on the lake.  It’s an atmosphere that is very conducive to meeting with GOD.
  Our speaker for the week is Kim Morrison from Thunder Bay.  Be in prayer for her too as she speaks to us and declares the Word of GOD.  Pray for open ears and hearts for both the campers and the staff. 
  In general pray for safety, encounters with GOD and physical strength.  It’s a tiring week.  Relaxing in one sense b/c we’re on the lake but tiring because we’re paddling and not sleeping as much as normal. 
  May GOD be glorified and praised!

Vacation Bible School

We had a great week of VBS!  It was a smaller group then we would have preferred but a great group none the less.  I didn’t even have a class (I was supposed to teach the 9 and 10 year olds) except for one girl the first day.  So I helped Jon with the 11 and up class.  High energy kids but very well behaved.  And you could tell that they were taking in and digesting what Mark was saying.  What an opportunity to declare the glory of GOD!  There was some confusion in theology for some of them so it was good that it came out and that Mark could teach them the truth.  I’m not sure how much of that truth has sunk in and taken root but they were listening.  GOD promises that His word will not return void.  May we claim that promise for these kids as well.  Interestingly there were more boys than girls.  The ratio was like 7:2.  Pretty intense!  They were also memorizers, both girls and boys.  It was encouraging to see that.   May the words they put into their minds enter their hearts and may the words of the songs we sung cling to them as well.  There were no kids from my church present (we don’t really have kids in that age group), there were a few from Mark and Tina’s church, some from a catholic church and others who as far as I know don’t attend church.  What a privilege to speak into their lives in a clear way declaring the truth of GOD.  We had our closing program last night.  Considering the size of the group it was impressive how many people came.  The message of salvation was also declared there.  May the result be a yearning after GOD both in the kids and their parents. 


  I would appreciate your prayers especially in these next few weeks.  It’s amazing how quickly this summer has gone and fall is quickly approaching.  During these next few weeks I will be seeking the LORD about what to commit to for the year.  There is no shortage of things that can be done, of motions that can be gone through, of programs that could use people.  But that’s not to be the focus.  As the catechism (sp?) says "The chief end of man is to glorify GOD and enjoy Him forever."  So during these next few weeks especially seeking GOD’s face and listening to Him as to which direction to take on various issues.  For example, youth group, will I continue helping with that?  Right now it’s an unsaid yes.  Morson youth group…is that something to continue?  I love the kids.  They’re great and I would miss out but is that something to continue?  Those kinds of questions.  To be sure, there will be a lot of things that will come up throughout the year; doors opening and perhaps some closing so it’s not that I’ll have my entire year planned in the next 2 weeks.  But there are some things that require decisions and committments.  So seeking GOD as to direction and where He wants me to focus my time, energy and prayer. 
  You know, I was thinking the other day….I’m not doing very much.  As in I’m not that busy.  Not when you think of some of the saints that have gone before.  It’s not that they were so amazing b/c what some of them did was quite supernatural just b/c no human has that kind of energy.  But with a right placed focus and done in the strength of the LORD…wow.  So much more could be done.  GOD is slowly teaching me about time management.  I’m a slow learner but He’s a patient teacher.
  So yeah, prayers are good.  Thanks to all of you who are supporting me with prayer.  I’m realizing more and more how much I need prayers.  Being an at home missionary makes it seem like hey, why would I need prayer?  But I really do.  And so for those of you who lift me to the throne of grace, I thank you.  I covet your prayers.

Phone Call

  The long awaited call arrived.  I have not been hired for the position at the Christian school here.  Praise GOD.  Praise GOD not because I so did not want it but because He is working.  My desire for the school is not that a specific person receive that job but that GOD would be glorified and that students and staff would have a greater and greater desire for GOD.  All three applicants are GOD fearing people who desire that to happen.  So I praise GOD that after much prayer and thought they have hired Ron.  I am excited about what the future will bring for the school.  I look forward to meeting this gentleman who I’ve heard so much about.  And I’m sure he’ll bring some new blood and fresh ideas into the school.
  As for myself I’m also excited b/c that means that GOD has other plans for me.  As I thought about the possibility of being hired I was a little saddened at the potential of other doors closing.  I don’t know what all GOD will bring into being for this next year but I know that there is no shortage of work to do here in this area.  Already there are a few things on my plate; mentoring and small group.  So I’m excited to find out what all will transpire.
  GOD is good.


  This weekend will be the last time that Unquenchable plays together as a band.  Very sad.  So tonight we have our last practice and then Lord willing we’ll go to Kathryn’s (bass player) cabin and spend some quality time together as a band.  It’s been a good year playing together, although because of different circumstances we havn’t played together as a whole since May.  We’ve all grown a lot since then.  Changed some too.  It’s been a good experience for all of us.  It’s hard to see these kids grow up and leave in a way but on the other hand, I’m so excited for them and proud of them too.  Julie is headed out west to become an elementary teacher, Aaron is headed to southern Ontario to become a civil engineer and Jon is headed to Moody Bible Institute to…well, he doesn’t even know what he’ll "become" but it’s some sort of degree in Bible with a focus on music.  Then Kathryn…she’ll be around for a year and then heading off to Providence for graphic design.  (Last I checked) 
  So this entry is a tribute to Unquenchable, those 5 people who are very dear to my heart.  Julie, I’ll always think of you when I sing "Filled with Your Glory"  "An UNQUENCHABLE flame that keeps burning brighter…"  And I’ll be looking for you….to make eye-contact….and I’ll think of you at the pick slide in "Grace Like Rain"  You’re a pro!  I’ll be missing all our eye-communication and private amusement that the rest of the band was oblivious to.  But any time I look at any music that we did in Portage la Prairie I’ll have a smile on my face!  Keep growing in the grace of GOD.  Aaron, I always appreciate you.  Your calmness, your relaxedness and your thoughtfulness, in the sense that you think about things.  Some would call it passiveness but it was good stuff to keep me in balance in those more likely to be stressful times.  I’m excited to see how GOD will use you in Waterloo.  Keep chasing Him, diving after Him, pursuing Him.  Take the jump "We fall down…"  Jon, it’s been phenominal watching you grow in to the leader you are becoming and seeing your passion for GOD.  Your love for GOD is definitely evident and contagious.  Nurture that desire.  And drink water.  Kathryn, I love you!  I’m so PUMPED that you’re sticking around for another year!  I think back to the fall and wow, I hardly knew you back then.  It’s been such a blast getting to know you this year.  We’ve definitely shared some amusing times.  Like at the rally.  Total randomness, pretty funnyness too.  Or finding good sand spots on the beach while waiting for the rest of the band.  I’m looking forward to hanging out this year.  Maybe we’ll have to go for chicken strips again.  Keep chasing after GOD and making Him your focus.  Clem, you’ve definitely added an element to the band.  It has been good to have you join to bring in maturity and leadership.  Looking forward to more times to come.  "Jump on my bellay"  Band, it’s been good.  We’ve had some awesome practices.  I treasure the times we goofed off and just chilaxed.  We’ve had some fun times, like spewing water in McDonalds, band sleep-over at Masts (in the early days), road trip to Portage la Prairie, getting sound to work at International Falls Covenant….oh that one night..prom alternative…"Debbie, should we come?  Okay but pray for us b/c we’re going to die getting there on time!"  Everyone had a story that night….I forgot my purse at Tim Horten’s, the border guard was super nice, Julie and Kathryn got there at the exact time we were supposed to start playing, after getting stopped by a nice cop…doing rally (I am not(pronounced nat)…but I know I AM), getting the comment that it’s obvious that we’ve practiced a lot right after we played a song none of us but Jon had played and some of us had never heard, throwing in songs at the last minute, 15+ song sets, Clem’s warm-up routine, TIM HORTENS!  (Julie was a little too excited about coffee), My Redeemer Lives, Can’t Stop, Grace Like Rain, ( Oh Grace Like Rain, took a while but now it’s pro) praying facedown at the church in Portage la Prairie, prayer times in general, Clem losing his sticks, Aaron and Jon preaching….and so many more.  GOD has been so good to us this year.  He has not only blessed us with these treasured memories but He has grown in us and used us.  Often despite us.  So many times at the end of a GIFT we would say, "Wow, that was GOD, not us."  And we say that over and over.  Praise GOD that it’s not about us b/c we’re not the most polished band out there, not the most talented.  But GOD has chosen to use us here and for this season and through it He has grown in us to bring us closer to Him and closer to each other.  Thank You Jesus for providing this amazing opportunity for the six of us.  Thank You for how You have worked through this past year, for the doors You opened, for the opportunities You gave and for the hearts You have touched through our obedience.  May the fragrance of our praise rise to You as a sweet smelling sacrifice.  To You and You alone be the praise, honour and glory.  In Jesus name, Amen.
  For those of you who are wondering, LORD willing GIFT will continue to happen.  Whether or not a specific band will emerge remains to be seen.  But GIFT is something that has begun that is good and glorifies GOD’s name.  By His mercy it will continue.  So keep your eyes and ears open for more on that.  I’m looking forward to this next year, seeing what doors the LORD will open and working with new and upcoming musicians for the glory of GOD.  GOD wants to work and reveal Himself here, praise His name!
  So….all GOD’s people said…
  Clem: GOD is good
  All: All the time
  Clem:  All the time
  All: GOD is good