His Grace is Enough


God’s grace has proved sufficient!  I (and Mom) made it through the week! 
Actually the kids were as good or better than could be expected.  There were some touchy times, but I suppose that’s just the way it is.  My nephew and niece can’t be perfect all the time!


It’s quite surprising.  I expected to come home exhausted and stressed out with all the catching up to do.  Instead I’ve found myself happy to be home and ready for the tasks in front of me.  I think the reason is that instead of vegging out on a couch and eating way to much, I was being active and ‘working’ (I think painting with my nephew can count as work…right?).  So, instead of feeding laziness I exchanged one sort of work for another for a time.  Having done something completely different I’m ready again for the ‘same old, same old.’ 


I enjoyed being a ‘mom’ for a week (actually, just an auntie…I skipped out on waking up during the night!) and having done that I’ve learned that when the time comes I will learn how to roll with the punches.  But I am willing to let that time be a ways down the road.
For one thing I realized how hard it is to intentionally be teaching a child.  Both spiritual lessons and academic ones.  It’s so much easier to let the TV do the talking.  I think it would be even easier for a mom to settle into routine and have time fly by without taking time to teach valuable lessons.  Moms really do have a challenging job.  I have no idea how any mom can work at the same time!
In short, I enjoyed my week with the kids and learned I have a lot more to learn!

Replacing Mom

So here my mom and I are. Babysitting our two favourite little people: Theo and Zaeli, my sister’s son and daughter.

The week has barely begun but I’ve already learned a few things. For one, I’m not sure I’m ready for the self-sacrifice required to be a mom. There’s not a lot of ‘me’ time when hanging out with a three year old. There’s a lot of ‘him’ time. Somehow sitting and having coffee just isn’t on his radar yet! Food in general isn’t on his radar. And he would much rather play and race than go for a ride in the chariot so Auntie could get a walk. So yesterday I got to buy a lot of chocolate ice cream cones from Theo at the ‘ice cream place’ at the play ground. I paid in rocks. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of fun with him. I’m just not used to thinking about someone else all day!

Secondly, I’m quite surprised at some of the blatant ideologies that come out of Theo’s mouth. When Karen was trying to get him to eat something healthy his response was "I want something that will make me feel better." "What would make you feel better." "Umm…Candy." Right. He’s only three and he’s already trying to feel better! And he shouldn’t have to eat his breakfast. Why? What is the rationale? "I want to play with my cars for a bit." As if his desires are a justifiable reason to not do something he needs to do.

He’s just a kid and acting like any kid would. I just think it’s amazing that we really don’t need to teach a feel good message. It’s already ingrained in the very fiber of our being. Hmmm. It sounds like my first and second points are quite related. Maybe I’m still a little to much like a three year old!