
It seems to be the season for changes.  Two men and their families who have been quite involved in my life are leaving the area.  One has already left actually.  One has been a coworker in ministry for 3 years.  The other has been guiding me through "Theology 101" over the past year and a half.  I’m still adjusting to working part time.  I just got word this week, albeit through the grapevine, that I have officially been accepted as a missionary with CSSM (Canadian Sunday School Mission).  My brother returned home after 8 months in Sweden.  Summer is here, which means a shift in schedule from youth, ISCF and chapel to camp prep and mowing lawn.  And last, but not least, I know am ‘escorted’ wherever I go.  Meet the latest addition to my life:

My beautiful Escort Escort Interior



Some of these changes are just different.  Some have sadness attached.  And some come with excitement of what is yet unknown but to come.  But I will put it out there, if anyone knows of a man (married, or not) who has a heart for youth ministry, is willing to live on pretty much nothing, loves the Lord and has a mature understanding of God’s Word, we’ve got an opening here!

Getting on to the Real Pleasure

How do people survive spiritually when they work full time?  Those two years that I did not work in a 9-5, ‘secular’ job I knew I was spoiled being able to spend relaxed, extended time in my ‘closet’.  I always felt sorry for students and others who work, who have most of the hours of their days booked.  I’m still advantaged by not working every day and yet I’m remembering how hard it is. 
It’s hard work getting to know Creator God and His Son Jesus Christ.  Theoretically it should be filled with ease and joy.  After all, God is the answer to all our desires.  The fulfillment of every longing.  But how shallow my desire or as CS Lewis would say, I am far to easily pleased.  Because I find pleasure in sleep (especially) or thinking about a recently watched movie, or the tasks for the day ahead and so it becomes work to get beyond those small pleasures that so easily satisfy for the moment to get on to the real pleasure: Jesus Christ Himself. 
I so often think of the great men and women who have gone before.  For example Hudson Taylor (I believe) would get up at 2 in the morning, spend a couple hours in prayer and reading the Bible and then go back to sleep because that was when he had quiet.  I want my connection with the Lord to be that important and that vital but as someone has said, "I’m learning that discipline takes discipline."
Anyone else know what I’m talking about?