Some Displays of Affection

Gearing up for a wedding takes a lot of energy and brain space.  Thankfully it’s also a time where God has been showering Josh and I with blessings and displays of His care and approval.  Here are a few:

– We planned on living in the basement apartment Josh was living in until the end of the school year.  Small but livable.  Without any request on our part we were approached by our church if we would be willing to live in the church parsonage (paying utilities) through the winter because it’s not selling.

– We were inspired to shovel the driveway two days before Josh needed to move in…even though we expected him to move in two weeks later.  He also was 1/2 a week ahead on prep and had defrosted his freezer.

– God has placed wise counselors in our path to prepare us for this venture.  Two specifically: Carmela (whom I meet for coffee every other week) and Conrad (our officiating pastor).  As I’ve met Carmela and we have met with Conrad we’ve been growing in our relationship and knowledge of each other as well as in having good expectations for marriage.

– God has been providing the finances to make this wedding happen.  This has included more income than expected as well as cheaper prices than expected.

– We have people who love us who are pumped to help out in any way possible.  That includes cutting/sewing/ironing table cloths (my mom) and folding 240 napkins (Sabrina) and just offering help wherever needed.

– God has given me an amazing man to marry.  I could not have chosen better.  We’re learning a lot about each other and how to function as a couple.  Josh is worthy of my respect and trust.  I love him a lot.

– In all sorts of details and thoughts of the future, the number one blessing has been knowing that God is our good Father who cares, listens and can do something about it.  It’s been especially good to go to him together.

I’ve got it pretty good…


Six years of a standing commitment on Thursday nights have now come to an end.  Emo Youth.  The first thing I became committed to after coming back from Bible school in 2004.  Thinking back to those earlier years I see faces of different teens that were such a big part of my world.  Some of them are now married.  Some are parents.  Some of them are serving as pastors.  Some I have no idea where they are or what they are doing.  Some are are living lives apart from God.

Some years numbers were high.  Some years numbers were low.  Some nights we had rousing theological discussions, especially when we went through Romans.  Some nights it’s been discouraging and wondering if there would ever be change or spiritual passion.  I’ve lead alone.  I’ve been an assistant. 

I remember some games we played.  Leading a group of blindfolded people carrying water in a tarp all over a yard, over and around obstacles.  Leading a group of blindfolded people to collect wood, newspaper, matches and marshmallows and roasting the perfect marshmallow.  Spray painting and demolishing Bernice: The Silver Bullet (my car).  Ultimate Frisbee.  Life-size Dutch Blitz.  Good times.

Camping trips.  Girls Nights.  Quest.  The gospel of John.  Judges.  Singing from the youth books.  Studying spiritual gifts.  Food.

A lot of good memories.  A lot of lives intersected.  For brief moments.  And time marches on.  And teens become adults. 

Lord, You placed me there for a season.  What has happened and what has been said is done.  Take it all and use it for Your glory.  Use what I have done and said to work in Your people.  Because You are good and because You have chosen to use me.  Not because of me but because of You.  And as Emo Youth passes into the hands of others who love You use them.  Use their words, their actions to continue to point teens to You, to stir a passion within them for You and to spread the awareness of You.  Because of Jesus.  So be it.  

More to Explore

"There’s more than I know, more than I’ve seen, more to explore in this History."

As yet another year ends and another starts I’ve been thinking about what I want to see happen this year both personally and in ministry.  Not original, I know, but exciting to think that some of these things are possible:

– I want to see some people saved by Jesus.  By that I mean people that I have, or will have, ongoing contact with.  Every summer at camp there are those who respond to Jesus but so often I don’t get to see what happens after they drive off the yard.  I want my faith to grow that God can change people who are blind and running the other direction.  Connected with that, I want to see people I mingle with who already know Jesus to go from worshiping Him with their mouths to being radical followers and leaders. 

– I would love to see some steps made towards bringing the light of Jesus to the First Nations community right on our doorstep, Manitou specifically.  I don’t know what this looks like yet but I want to see it.

– In a year from now if someone asks a friend of mine how I’ve changed I would like the answer to be, "She has become more real.  She’s not so full of herself.  She cares more now."

– I want to grow in prayer, both listening to God and intercession.  Practicing prayer and communicating with God doesn’t come easy for me but I think there is a whole facet of relationship with God and seeing Him do amazing things that I have yet to tap into.  As part of that I would like to see the church grow in praying together.  Seems to me revivals start with prayer (and young people) and I for one would like to see people transformed!  (point #1)

There is more…and I want to see more this year!


This morning in church the children’s story talked about making a list of things we’re thankful for.  I personally am lacking in the thankful department so it would be good for me to do the excercise.  Here’s my list (in no particular order):
water (lakes, rivers, streams)
the smell of spring
technology (like the computer I’m sitting at right now)
my heritage
my neice
my nephew
family in general
family gatherings
a job
Jesus Christ’s death in my place on the cross
that God hears me when I pray
the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance
changing seasons
new college and career group
beautiful people (inner beauty)
Christian radio
books, books, books
the Word of God
that God is in control rather than society or governments
ability to sing
godly grandparents
grandma’s prayers
I could go on and on I think…now to be thankful for these things all the time, and to express it. 
Thank You Lord for all Your gifts great and small.  Thank You for Your continued care, Your sovereignty and Your majesty.  To You be the glory and praise for all You are and all You do forever and ever.  Amen.

Things I’m Thankful for Today

~  That I know Jesus Christ (John 17:3) and that He knows me.  I don’t know Him fully yet but praise God, I’m learning more and get to keep learning more of Him for the rest of eternity! 
~  For laughter, games and fun with friends over coffee or around a fire. 
~  That my singlehood is not wasted time but that I have a lot of exposure via radio, books and the internet to excellent teaching about marriage and relationships that if I implement now and remember then, will make my future marriage that much more beautiful. 
~  For hot soup on a brisk, fall day.
~  For my family both here and far away.  And that I got to talk to my brother online for the first time for a few minutes just now. 
~  That our family will be increasing in a few months.  Hopefully a niece?  Maybe two….Ha!
~  For daily provision of all things, material and spiritual.
~  For the growth I see in individuals around me: my parents, my girls, various young men, people in my church and others.
Just to list a few…