What’s Going On?

Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of school schedule ministries!  Not that it’s all dark and terrible mind you.  Here’s some of what’s going on:

Youth (Emo Youth that is):  We weren’t able to go for a weekend missions trip as we had hoped so this week we’re doing service projects for some of Pete and Stacey’s neighbours.  Not sure what all that will entail yet but it’ll be a great opportunity for our kids to be active and to show Jesus’ love tangibly to people who have had bad experiences with church/Christians in the past.

We are also in the middle of a four part series on judges from the book of Judges.  So far we’ve covered Gideon and Samson.  This coming week we’ll talk about Jephthah and then later this month about Deborah, Barak and Jael.  It’s been an interesting study so far!  Amazing to think through the stories actually happening and seeing how closely they apply to our own lives.

So just a few short weeks left and then we are done for the summer, and for me, finishing off six great years of teaching and learning from this group.

ISCF: We’ve had some really great discussions during our Wednesday lunches.  Some planned, some spontaneous.  Just before Easter I met with the two student leaders, which is always a good time.  During that discussion we were talking about the cross and being cross centered.  One of the girls shared about how a song she was preparing to perform in competition was really meaningful to her because it talks about how beautiful the broken body of Christ is.  So we had her sing it for us the next day in ISCF.  Very cool to see students getting excited about the gospel and sharing it with their peers.  Next week we’ll be talking about ‘What is a good person?’ based on some discussion we had today about stereotypes.  Should be interesting!

Another side benefit of having student leaders: a couple times I’ve gone to the cafeteria to get food for one of the leaders so she can stay and lead.  By standing in line with students I get to see all kinds of kids that I know from FYG or camp or youth and interact with them a bit.  I think I might make this a habit!

FYG:  Bigger Events Of all the things I’m involved in during the school year, this is where I see/meet the most non-Christian teens.  One girl especially is great for bringing out a group of friends that don’t know Jesus.  Because these nights are quite event driven teens feel comfortable to come and to bring their friends.  And then we get to talk to them about Jesus and offer them Bibles.  March’s event (bowling) was one of our biggest events to date with almost 30 kids.  One kid didn’t even realize he was coming to a youth event before he came!  Unexpected seed sown there!

Next week we’ll be having a coffee house event, our third.  These events are a little more open, which means there are also young adults, adults and teens from other youth groups.  This is a favorite event for the leadership team.  Live music, games and a testimony fill up the night.  Really looking forward to this one!

Deeper Sessions Alongside our bigger event driven nights, we have a more focused group.  So far attendance has been almost limited to the teens on our leadership team, with others coming from time to time.  Plans are in the works to start a second group in the fall specifically for some Grade 8 girls that have been coming to FYG events but don’t feel comfortable coming to the existing Deeper sessions.     

Right now we are going through a study based on the gospel of Mark.

GIFT:   While it’s a crazy season because of high school soccer, we’re still going ahead with our monthly GIFT gatherings.  Last month was a lot of fun!  It’s coming to the point in the year where the group is getting more comfortable with each other both on and off the stage which makes for fun memories as well as deeper sharing.  We continue to read through CJ Mahaney’s book "Living the Cross Centered Life" which continues to be challenging and encouraging.  Quite shortly we’ll start filling roles for the coming year as some people are moving on. 

Well, I’ve given you enough to read for now!  Thanks for coming by!