Table Discussions

Had a cool table discussion with my nephew today. We said a prayer together "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, may this food to us be blessed, amen." I had asked him a couple days ago if he knew what a guest was so I asked him:

DJ: Do you know what a guest is?

T: It’s someone who comes to your house for a sleep over.

DJ: So is Jesus our guest?

T: Yes.

DJ: Where is He?

T: Here, because He’s always with us!

DJ: So He’s here eating supper with us?

T: Yep!

DJ: What does He look like?

T: He’s got a purple (I forget what he called it…) with a white shirt under it. (need to work on that one I guess…)

DJ: So what’s His face like? Is He smiling?

T: Yep!

DJ: Does He know your name?

T: Yep!

DJ: Why does He know your name?

T: Because He made me!

DJ: Does He know my name?

T: Yep!

DJ: Why?

T: Because He made you too!

DJ: And Grandma and Zaeli?

T: Yep!

DJ: And He know everyone’s name in the whole world?

T: Yep because He made everyone!

Theology of a 5 year old. Love it.

The Niblings

The first lag of my ‘holidays’ has begun! For the next 8 days or so I’ll be hanging out with these two munchkins getting schooled at MarioKart, creating dragons, painting finger nails, giving baths, and making meals, not to mention chauffering to school, swimming lessons and library time. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining or thinking that this is ‘so much stuff’ because I know my sister does way more and even now my mom is here with me, although she’s branching into painting, house repair and laundry.

For the most part it’s a separate world from back home. I’ve done almost no reflecting yet. I know that when I’m sitting in silence in an empty space in just more than a week there will be lots of reflection. For now I’m enjoying the change of pace.

More to Explore

"There’s more than I know, more than I’ve seen, more to explore in this History."

As yet another year ends and another starts I’ve been thinking about what I want to see happen this year both personally and in ministry.  Not original, I know, but exciting to think that some of these things are possible:

– I want to see some people saved by Jesus.  By that I mean people that I have, or will have, ongoing contact with.  Every summer at camp there are those who respond to Jesus but so often I don’t get to see what happens after they drive off the yard.  I want my faith to grow that God can change people who are blind and running the other direction.  Connected with that, I want to see people I mingle with who already know Jesus to go from worshiping Him with their mouths to being radical followers and leaders. 

– I would love to see some steps made towards bringing the light of Jesus to the First Nations community right on our doorstep, Manitou specifically.  I don’t know what this looks like yet but I want to see it.

– In a year from now if someone asks a friend of mine how I’ve changed I would like the answer to be, "She has become more real.  She’s not so full of herself.  She cares more now."

– I want to grow in prayer, both listening to God and intercession.  Practicing prayer and communicating with God doesn’t come easy for me but I think there is a whole facet of relationship with God and seeing Him do amazing things that I have yet to tap into.  As part of that I would like to see the church grow in praying together.  Seems to me revivals start with prayer (and young people) and I for one would like to see people transformed!  (point #1)

There is more…and I want to see more this year!