Not Just Logic

I remember that one of our lecturers in Bible school said something like, “We need to interpret the world based on the Bible rather than the Bible based on the world.”  A simple but profound statement.

I’ve thought about that statement in the last couple weeks as I was reading about, thinking about and teaching about homosexuality.  It’s a hot topic with strong opinions on all possible sides.  I realized that although there is still controversy among those who uphold the Bible as the source of truth, without it there is no concrete guide for behaviour.  Without the Bible’s direction deciding what is appropriate and ‘normal’ is subject to logic and perspective, which very quickly becomes twisted.

For example, there are those who believe we need to be liberated sexually; be free without any restrictions.  This would mean getting rid of marriage and removing cultural taboos (ie. incest is wrong).

To me this seems absolutely ridiculous and yet I can see that if the Bible was removed with all of its wisdom and guidance for life, such thinking could start to make sense.  This is exactly what Paul talks about in Romans 1 where people replace God for creation and so, thinking themselves wise, actually become fools.

On this issue (homosexuality) specifically it seems really obvious to me that we need to use the Bible as our standard and source of truth.  But as I said to the students, no matter what the issue, whenever we come to the Bible and read something that disagrees with what we’ve thought before we have to make a decision.  Will we hold to our beliefs (even beliefs we really like) or will we choose to trust God and His word even though we don’t like it?  Are we going to hold tight to our experience or ask God to show us how our experience fits into His truth, trusting it to be true even if He doesn’t resolve that tension for us?

As I’ve been working through all kinds of thoughts and opinions I am so thankful that we don’t just have logic to rely on.  I’m thankful that we have a source of objective truth to speak into issues of life.


So I decided today that I really need to get a part time job; I am way too disconnected from my culture, anything that’s not churchy or ‘Christian’.  Of course, getting a part time job is not the only way of interacting with the surrounding culture but it is a good way. 
But why is this coming up?  I’ve been thinking over the last several months that I have very little interaction with any unbelievers and how that’s not only sad but possibly even quite wrong.  Just recently over at The Gospel Driven Life Mark Lauterbach has been talking about how he himself has neglected getting to know those outside the church and how they think (Preaching to the Choir).  This morning our culture was discussed and there’s a certain level where I can analyze it generally and theoretically, but really…I don’t know or understand the heartbeat of the people around me.
Maybe it’s because I’ve never been there.  I’ve grown up in a churched surrounding all my life.  I left for a year but spent it in a very secluded area going to Bible school.  I did go to a public highschool for one year, but didn’t really get to know the people around me.  Even in the Christian settings I have had a hard time ‘clicking’ with the more ‘popular’ and culturally savvy.  I’ve rather been the one who as a kid always memorized the verses and knew the right answers.  I was the one who in highschool gave judgemental speeches about being more on fire for Christ.  Not exactly the type to fit in with ‘normal’ people.
Maybe it’s because I’ve never questioned my faith, or the church, or the Bible so I can’t even imagine what kind of questions are being asked.  Yeah, I have counselled camp for 6 or 7 years and have a very close friend who, although a Christian, has grown up outside of the church, but even still, I’m mostly clueless.  To analyze and criticize our culture in general is one thing but on a personal level, I’m lost.

Overwhelming Excess

  This week I watched a movie.  In the special features they said that for this movie they built the biggest movie set ever (at least up til that time), covering 7 acres.  That’s quite impressive.  And of course, they built the buildings with all the little details, murals and landscaping.  As I watched this I had to ask "Is it necessary?"  I suppose that has a yes and no answer.  In one sense it’s not needed.  A lot of that detail will never be seen and most people will never grasp how big the set is, or notice the costume of the extra at the furthest end of the crowd.  Could it be done with less?  Oh yes, look at the older movies!  But on the other hand it is necessary in order to have a high quality movie.  Although all the details may not be noticed, it is possible and probable they would be noticed if they were gone. 
  But that leads me to another question.  Is it worth it?  With advancing technology, not only is more money being spent on creating our entertainment, but we’re also able to see how they make the movies and so, have a better idea of the millions and billions of dollars that are being spent, not to mention the enormous amounts of time devoted to these projects.  I personally am becoming a little overwhelmed at the excess.  Of course, I enjoy the privilege of sitting down and watching a well done, high quality movie.  But is it worth the cost?  Is entertainment as important as we have made it?