Why should we read the Bible?

For this week’s ISCF I was given the topic “Why should we read the Bible?”  Sometimes it’s hard to ‘get anything out of’ a Bible reading session.  I find it easy to be thinking about a lot of other things.  In fact, I wrote a song some time ago that says, “It’s easy to meditate on anything but You.”  Can I hear an “amen”?

I do find the following reasons to read the Bible encouraging though and so I’m looking forward to this week’s discussion.

Why should we read the Bible?

It teaches us who God is and what He is like

Um, the whole book is about Him…

It shows us who Jesus is

Luke 24:27

(And Jesus reveals who God is)

John 1:18

It is actually God’s words

2 Timothy 3:16

The Bible is true and is a guide to test for what is true

Acts 17:11

The Bible shows us how we can be saved from sin and its consequences

2 Timothy 3:15

It is a source of encouragement

Romans 15:4

It fully trains us for everything God gives us to do

2 Timothy 3:16-17

It gives us power to live a pure life

Psalm 119:9

It’s an offensive weapon against Satan

Ephesians 6:10-18  *v. 17