Another Hard Thing?

I consider myself to have passed the previous ‘hard thing’ of driving the elderly lady to T-bay considering she told me I was as handy as my mother!  The highest compliment I could receive! 

I did learn through that experience that spaces that seem big and bumps that seem really small really aren’t when you’re wheeling a wheelchair!  There are so many things that I just take in stride (no pun intended) without notice that are major inconveniences for those who can’t walk without assistance.  Therefore, (#1) I really should be thankful for my health and (#2) be more aware of the situation of others.

But what is next on the docket?  Well, I went out of my comfort zone toward the elderly, now I’m going out of my comfort zone to the younger generation.  8-12 year olds specifically.  In February I impulsively (or lead by God?  or high on coffee?) mentioned that I could possibly speak for Junior Camp this summer.  Hence, my mind is constantly filled with how I’m going to express the gospel to 85 kids in a bit over a week.  How am I going to engage them in story?  In truth?  How am I going to clearly communicate something that is so complex that the most studied theologians are still just scratching the surface and yet which is so simple that a 4 year old child can get it? 

It is downright nerve wracking.  The moments where I have felt like I have this all under control and that it will be no problem have been few. 

Which is, I suppose, a really good place to be.  Because really I can’t change any hearts.  I can’t open any eyes.  I can’t cause something to make sense.  That’s all out of my control.  It’s under the control of the good God who understands all of what I don’t and what I think I do, including how 8 year olds think.  Therefore, He will carry me and He will accomplish what He wants to through the going out of His word.

That’s something to rest on.