Rich Toward

  Reading in Luke I found an interesting phrase: rich toward GOD.  This comes in the middle of a passage about money and how it should or should not be used.  A question arose: how can we be rich toward God?
  My thoughts continued from there: how can we be rich toward others? 
  Now, because this is in the context of money… it’s not too difficult to think of some ways to be rich towards others with money, but then the last and final question: how can we be rich towards GOD, and especially others, if we have little or no money?
  I await your responses.

Think About Such Things

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable —
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy —
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
  I’ve been told I think too much.  The fact is, we all think…a lot.  The question is, what are we thinking about?  I’ve known this verse for a long time but am a far cry from applying it fully.  What we think is pretty important.  It affects what we do.  Jesus was pretty blunt about this in His Sermon on the Mount.  He said if a man looks lustfully at a woman he’s committed adultery with her (that applies to either gender).  Where does lust start?  In the mind.  Where does any action start?  In the mind.  Our actions are determined by what we think about.  Another way to say that is "out of the overflow of [the] heart [the] mouth speaks."  We see this in the extreme when people murder others, commit adultery or steal.  They don’t just randomly say "Okay, I’m going to go kill someone today."  There is a process leading up to that, starting with very ‘insignificant’ thoughts.  As I once heard, you can’t keep a bird from landing on your head, but you can keep it from building a nest there.  If we let those thoughts linger, they get ugly.  
  I don’t expect that I’m going to be killing anyone soon, so what are some of those ‘insignificant’ thoughts that start the process?  Since I was young it’s been an easy habit to fall into to create all kinds of scenarios and situations, of which I am the hero, that either could never happen or have nothing more than the minutest chance of happening.  Thinking of what I would say, how would I say it, how everyone else would be so impressed with me!  Letting my mind linger on those empty thought processes really makes me unproductive and distracts me from GOD.  By being the hero of my daydreams, it makes it a lot harder to let Jesus be the King of my life.  It takes my eyes off of how dependent I am on Him for everything and that I can do nothing on my own. 
  Another area where this comes into play is thinking about the future: what kind of guy will I marry, how will he propose and any other thoughts connected to that.  Dwelling on those thoughts, imagining and fantasizing, makes me want what is not in GOD’s timing.  Thinking about it accomplishes nothing but stirring desire that doesn’t need to be stirred.  The result is not being content with where I’m at now and wanting more than GOD when GOD should be more than enough.
  Something else that tends to be in my thoughts is my financial situation.  Where is the next tank of gas going to come from?  Will I be able to afford doing this or that?  This again distracts me from GOD.  I’m so busy thinking about how I will be provided for, that my eyes are not on the Provider of all things, nor am I thankful when He does provide because I’m so busy being relieved that I’m in the clear and wondering where the next cheque will come from. 
  Maybe you’re noticing a trend here.  I see a common thread.  When I allow these thoughts to dominate my mind, my mind is not on the only One who fulfills all the criteria found in Philippians 4:8: GOD, as revealed in His Word.  Reminds me of the story of Peter walking on the water.  His eyes should have been focussed on the only One who is true and good…but he looked around, got overwhelmed, and started to sink.  So too, when my eyes are not on GOD, that’s when sin enters in and I become the queen of my life.
  So, how can I keep this from happening?  By letting my thoughts linger more on that which fills the criteria: the Word of GOD.  Focussing on Truth when the untrue comes to mind.  Thinking about the beauty and goodness of the LORD when I begin to be dissatisifed with where I’m at.  Resting in the Prince of Peace, Provider GOD and Sovereign LORD when the gas tank, wallet and bank account are empty. 
  HE is true, HE is noble, HE is right, HE is pure, HE is lovely, HE is admirable, HE is excellent, HE is praiseworthy.  Think about such things. 

A Blippet

  I closed my last post by saying I’m humbled before such a great GOD.  He is indeed great.  What I’ve been sharing with my youth group, or attempting to, is that the primary reason for Scripture is to reveal GOD.  To reword that a little, the best place to go to discover who GOD is, is the Bible.  It is withing these pages that He lets Himself be known. 
  As I’ve been reading through the History and Prophets (Old Testament) GOD has been opening my eyes wider and wider.  I used to think that the Old Testament was all about a wrathful and judgemental GOD while the New was about a loving GOD.  Not at all!  Within these pages I am blown away at GOD’s mercy!  Just this weekend my reading found me in 2 Chronicles 33.  Here we find the story of one of the most wicked kings that ever existed: Manasseh, king of Judah.  He had a godly father (Hezekiah) but he did not take after his dad, even though Manasseh began to reign when he was only twelve.  In 2 Kings 21: 16 it says "Moreover, Manaseeh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end…"  He undid all the good his father had done, going so far as to sacrifice his sons in fire and get involved in witchcraft, sorcery and divination, among other things.  He completely and blatently disobeyed all of GOD’s commands.  "The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention."  In short, this was one bad man.  
  You would think that GOD would just get rid of the guy.  And it seemed like He would because he brought an army against Judah that "took Manasseh prisoner, put a hook in his nose, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon."  (v. 11)  Sounds like the end of the story.
  But it’s not. 
  Manasseh cried out to GOD.  He was desperate.  What did GOD do?  He listened.  He brought Manasseh back to his kingdom.  Did Manasseh deserve it?  Absolutely not!  But what happened?  "Then Manasseh knew that the LORD is God."  (v. 13)  He went on to tear down all the altars he made and from that point served only GOD. 
  It’s really a powerful story, which the Word of GOD tells a lot better than I do.  I find within this story some amazing truths.  For one, GOD gives second chances, or even third or fourth.  Praise GOD for that!  Although I’d have a hard time putting myself on the level of Manasseh, without second chances, I’d have been done away with long ago.  GOD is merciful (doesn’t give us what we deserve, ultimately hell). 
  Secondly, GOD can use anyone.  From the sounds of it, Manasseh and Hitler had a lot in common, but GOD used Manasseh in an incredible way after he humbled himself.  If He could use Manasseh, murderer, child killer, star worshipper and GOD hater, who can He not use?  His ability to use us is not based on our track record, but His power through us.  Now that is a wonderful thought!
  And thirdly, even though Manasseh once worshipped idols, stars and was involved in witchcraft and the powers of darkness, when he realized that the LORD is GOD, he got rid of all of these non-gods.  He realized they had no power.  It’s not that GOD is the strongest, most powerful GOD.  He’s the only GOD.
  This is just one blippet of a revelation of GOD.  There is so much more.  He’s so much more.  The wider He opens my eyes, the wider they get with awe.