
  I just have to post an entry about the males in my family.  First of, my brother.  What a guy.  So, he’s a snowboarder.  The nearest mountain is quite a ways away so he decided to build a snowboard jump in the yard.  Realize that we have the flatest yard imaginable.  So he gathered up a bunch of pallets, stacked them up, beside them set up a rail, and waited for snow.  Well, the snow has come.  Not enough to have his ‘big jump’ ready, but right now, he and Jason are out there, pulling each other on the snowmachine and doing jumps on the snowbank.  Yep.  What a guy.  It’s great.  It’s training for when I have teenage boys, although it’s more likely that I’ll join in the fun now then when that time comes!
  Secondly, my dad.  Some days….he is such a goof!  This afternoon he suddenly walks out, jeans, plaid shirt, and a tie that has been hanging in his closet for years and a BIG goofy grin on his face.  So random!  Makes me laugh. 
  On another note, I was thinking about my earlier post about the mug…to carry the analogy even further: the mug I drink coffee out of is really ugly.  Actually, it’s made by "Pretty Ugly Pottery", if that says anything.  (I think it’s great :D)  We have another mug here that has the handle broken off.  Also, my dad’s thermos that he has used for years is completely dinged up, has been for over 10 years.  It survived a pretty intense accident.  Another one of my mugs is chipped.  None of these leak.  Isn’t that so true spiritually too?  Some people are pretty banged up, chipped or are just plain ugly and yet can be far more useful than some who have a seemingly spotless record.  GOD doesn’t call us to look perfect or attractive, He calls us to be useful to Him.  It’s a good thing too.  2 Corinthians 4:7-10     

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