On a Hill Far Away

It’s Christmas time in Bethlehem town.

The shepherds awake with angels all around.

"Go to Bethlehem the Baby to see.

He’ll save you from your sin, your Redeemer is He.

Cause on a hill far away He will bleed and die,

The Sacrifice for all your sins.

On a hill far away God’s plan will be fulfilled in a perfect way."


It’s Easter time.  The Son of God is hanging on a tree.

The final cry is heard; in death Christ won the victory!

Don’t go to the tomb because He is not there.

He has risen, your sin He can bear!

Cause on a hill far away Jesus bled and died,

The Sacrifice for all our sins.

On a hill far away God’s plan was fulfilled in a perfect way.


Now it’s today. Sinners let’s run to His cross

And nail our sins there, count everything else as loss.

When we’re at His cross we see His face

And we are purified by Amazing Grace.

On a hill far away my sins nailed Him there.

I left Him to die alone.

But on a hill far away God reached down in His love

And made the murderer His child!

Cause on a hill far away Jesus died once for all,

The Sacrifice for all my sin.

On a hill far away Jesus reaches out in love.

Sinner come to Him.


Jesus, I come

Jesus, I have sinned

I come


~DJ Friesen

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