Random Analysis Question

  I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking lately.  Amid the smorgasboard of thoughts, this train of thought emerged.  Maybe you have some thoughts about this.  A brother told me there are three important things to think about in ministry: who GOD is, who the people around you are, and who you are.  So, I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am and how to figure that out.  Do the things we do show who we are, or is it possible that we do them just because and if we knew the ‘truth’ we wouldn’t do them?  Do we find out what our desires are by looking at what we fill our time with?  Or do we just fill our time mindlessly, thinking we’re doing what we desire to do?  Is it possible that if we were to dig we would find out that we are someone very different from who we always thought we were?  Can we ever find that out?  For example, I’ve always thought that if I had more money to spend on clothes (and lived in a larger centre where I could actually shop for clothes) that I would dress differently.  But what I’ve begun to wonder is, do I just think I would dress differently?  Would I wear the things that I think I would?  Or is that just an illusion and in reality I would dress the same?  These thoughts reminded me of the verse "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  Of course, knowing who you are is not really the context here, but I think there is application.  This is really a lot of rambling thought.  What do you think?         

One thought on “Random Analysis Question

  1. Great thoughts, Debz. You know, this past year has been, for me, a very find-out-who-you-are year. And you know what I\’ve discovered? That it is scary what I don\’t know about myself!! And how my perception of myself is not the same as who I really am. There is but One who knows me inside and out, and who knows exactly who I am, without any frills, or expectations, or ideals. So if I want to know who I truly am, I have to go to Him. Which I\’m sure you already knew but it\’s a good reminder anyway. But I was thinking about whether or not we can really know ourselves completely…and I\’m not sure, the jury\’s still out on that one. Probably not, because there is so much that we hide, and don\’t see, and refuse to see even when it\’s shown to us, and to me it\’s one of those things that is a life-long battle. But I think the key is just to trust God to show us who we are, in His time, one peice at a time. Wow I can\’t wait to see what you learn about this. Keep me posted, k? And Prospero Año to you, sweet pea!

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