Embarrassing Moment…..

  So I was going to post something a little more inspirational but hey, I can only laugh at myself so and so often.
  Yesterday I checked my oil.  I needed more oil.  So instead of throwing away the paper towel, I put it a little bit under the hood (so it wouldn’t blow away), bought some oil and poured it in.  Then I closed the hood, dropping it pretty much all the way.  Only to realize that I hadn’t taken out the paper towel.  Oops.  So I open the hood….or rather try to open it.  It won’t open.  When I closed the hood something had gone flying so I’m like "Oh great!  Now I’ve broken the latch on my hood and it won’t ever open again!"  So I drove around town (with the paper towel sticking out of the corner of my hood, although not overly noticeable…)  So tonight I was bemoaning all the problems with the car (like it will randomly speed up by itself) and saying how I think I did something to the hood and it won’t open.  So tonight, when we got back from prayer meeting, I was like "Come try to open it" as I demonstrated that it wasn’t working.  Then my mom was like, "Did you release it?"  ………yeah, you know that thing you have to pull in the car so that you can open the hood…..yeah…..um……….I guess my hood’s not broken!   

One thought on “Embarrassing Moment…..

  1. I am indeed laughing aloud on this side of the screen. Thankfully with you! ha ha… that is hilarious! I know I\’ve had similar moments more often than I will admit. My mom says we (herself included) have blonde roots, as her excuse, my Dad would says its because we (himself not included) are Norwegian. When we lived in Colorado we blamed it on the altitude… then we moved here and said it was an overload of oxygen from a lower altitude… lack of chocolate…not enough coffee…. anyway what am I rambling about. Thanks for sharing! It\’s good to laugh at ourselves. (*laughing again as I picture the tuft of papertowel in the corner of the hood…*) Much love, Me

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