The Latest and Greatest

At the beginning of December I was so happy that I didn’t have any plans to go anywhere.  In October I had gone to a student leadership conference and the Ontario CSSM Personnel conference.  In November I went to BC with family to celebrate Christmas and then to a youth conference.  December was supposed to be quiet. 

And then…

My brother’s knee infection acted up right before Christmas.  It climaxed to the point where I decided to fly out there to drive him around.  The day I arrived, Christmas Eve, he went into emergency surgery.  The rest of the holidays was spent changing his dressings, helping Karen, my sister, host her in-laws and having lots of family time over board games and "Hungry, Hungry Hippos."  It ended up being a really good holiday, even though Christmas morning was spent in the hospital waiting for Kevin to be discharged. 

(Side note: There are pictures of Kevin’s knee on the right in an album.  When I left he was healing well.  Since then there have been complications.  His incision reopened because there was so much swelling.  If he doesn’t improve by Monday they will have to do surgery again.  His knee started acting up at the end of August so it’s been along road and promises to be longer still.)

Since then I’ve been back in the swing of things with youth, FYG and GIFT.  I’m in a season of enjoying something I’ve missed for four years: co-workers.  It is a wonderful thing to be working with a team/teams rather than figuring everything out on my own.  Thank you Jesus! 

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