Benefits of Mentoring

There’s something about mentoring that is becoming a safe guard, for
lack of better words.  So many times I have evaluated a situation,
given advice and walked away without any more thought than "wow, that
was excellent advice."  But lately I’ve started putting the advice I give against my own life and evaluating how I measure up. 

I say to pray about something, do I pray about similar situations?
I say Jesus is all we need, am I discontent with what I have?
I say to get into the Word, am I studying?
I say to use opportunities to be Jesus to others, am I being intentional?
I say to use truth in the face of lies, do I even try to fight?

I’ve got to say that the words coming out of my mouth have been convicting me, challenging me because for the most part I am not finding that I back what I say with what I do.  It’s so easy to see what needs to be done in someone else’s life without daring to stop long enough to make changes in my own.

At the same time there have been very few things that have stirred excitement for the gospel in my heart than pointing out to one of my girls how it works in her life.  I get so excited for them that God accepts them regardless of how they feel about themselves, that His Spirit is working in their lives even when they aren’t aware of it and that they can come boldly before God to speak to Him because Jesus has opened that door for them.  And then I think "That’s true for me too!"  Seeking to help them apply gospel to everyday life translates to the gospel coming alive for me!

Ah yes, we do need others in our lives, sometimes in ways we don’t expect.

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