This is Home

On Sunday we studied Psalm 91 in Sunday School.  It opens with, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."  In a response to the question "What does it mean to dwell?" one lady said, "It’s where your home is."
I’ve been muling over that thought since.  It conjures up images of driving into the yard after a physically or emotionally draining day or evening.  Just walking in the door causes muscles to relax.  The next step might be to head to bed or do the dishes but it’s home.  A place to breathe.  A place to let go.   
That’s what God is.  Our dwelling place.  No matter where I am I can go ‘home.’  It might just be a sentence prayer in the middle of a day at work.  It might be silence while overlooking a lake.  It might be fervent silent pleas while looking into the eyes of a loved one and not knowing what to say.  It might be a cry for help right before a confrontation.  Anywhere, anytime, ‘this is home.’
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus (Matthew 11:28)

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