
Six years of a standing commitment on Thursday nights have now come to an end.  Emo Youth.  The first thing I became committed to after coming back from Bible school in 2004.  Thinking back to those earlier years I see faces of different teens that were such a big part of my world.  Some of them are now married.  Some are parents.  Some of them are serving as pastors.  Some I have no idea where they are or what they are doing.  Some are are living lives apart from God.

Some years numbers were high.  Some years numbers were low.  Some nights we had rousing theological discussions, especially when we went through Romans.  Some nights it’s been discouraging and wondering if there would ever be change or spiritual passion.  I’ve lead alone.  I’ve been an assistant. 

I remember some games we played.  Leading a group of blindfolded people carrying water in a tarp all over a yard, over and around obstacles.  Leading a group of blindfolded people to collect wood, newspaper, matches and marshmallows and roasting the perfect marshmallow.  Spray painting and demolishing Bernice: The Silver Bullet (my car).  Ultimate Frisbee.  Life-size Dutch Blitz.  Good times.

Camping trips.  Girls Nights.  Quest.  The gospel of John.  Judges.  Singing from the youth books.  Studying spiritual gifts.  Food.

A lot of good memories.  A lot of lives intersected.  For brief moments.  And time marches on.  And teens become adults. 

Lord, You placed me there for a season.  What has happened and what has been said is done.  Take it all and use it for Your glory.  Use what I have done and said to work in Your people.  Because You are good and because You have chosen to use me.  Not because of me but because of You.  And as Emo Youth passes into the hands of others who love You use them.  Use their words, their actions to continue to point teens to You, to stir a passion within them for You and to spread the awareness of You.  Because of Jesus.  So be it.  

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